Equalizer 3
The Equalizer 3 is an upcoming American action thriller film directed by Antoine Fuqua and written by Richard Wenk. It is the third installment in the Equalizer film series, and stars Denzel Washington as Robert McCall, a retired CIA operative who comes out of hiding to help a young woman who is being targeted by Russian gangsters. The film is scheduled to be released in the United States on September 1, 2023. Here is a more detailed summary of the film's plot: Robert McCall (Denzel Washington) is a retired CIA operative who now lives a quiet life in Boston. He spends his days working at a local hardware store and helping people in need.
- category: Movies
- Genre : Action Crime Thriller
- Release Year: 2023
- Duration: 1h 49m
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Display Quality : Full HD
- Resolution: 1080P
- Film Parts: Equalizer 1 Equalizer 2 Equalizer 3
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