Glass is a 2019 American superhero thriller film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. It is the sequel to both Unbreakable (2000) and Split (2016), and the third and final installment in the Unbreakable trilogy. The film stars Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, James McAvoy, Anya Taylor-Joy, Sarah Paulson, and Spencer Treat Clark. The film follows the story of David Dunn (Willis), a security guard who possesses superhuman strength and unbreakable skin; Kevin Wendell Crumb (McAvoy), a man with dissociative identity disorder who possesses 24 different personalities, each with their own unique abilities; and Elijah Price (Jackson), a man with osteogenesis imperfecta who masterminds a plan to bring together Dunn and Crumb in order to prove that superheroes and supervillains exist.
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