Toy Story 2
Toy Story 2 is a 1999 American computer-animated buddy comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The second installment in the Toy Story franchise, it was directed by John Lasseter, co-directed by Ash Brannon and Lee Unkrich, and written by Andrew Stanton, Rita Hsiao, Doug Chamberlin, and Chris Webb. The film's voice cast includes Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack, Kelsey Grammer, Don Rickles, Wallace Shawn, John Ratzenberger, Annie Potts, Jim Varney, R. Lee Ermey, and Estelle Harris. In the film, Woody is stolen by a toy collector, prompting Buzz Lightyear and his friends to rescue him, but Woody is then tempted by the idea of immortality in a museum. The film opens with Andy's toys preparing for their annual yard sale. Woody, the leader of the toys, is worried that he will be sold, but Andy reassures him that he is his favorite toy. However, Woody is accidentally knocked over by Sid Phillips, the neighborhood bully, and his dog, Scud. Sid is a cruel boy who enjoys torturing toys, and Woody is terrified of being captured by him.
- category: Animation
- Genre : Comedy Adventure Animation
- ReleaseYear: 1999
- Duration: 1h 35m
- Country : United States
- Language : English Arabic
- Display Quality : Full HD
- Resolution: 1080P
- Film Parts: Toy Story Part 1 Toy Story Part 2 Toy Story Part 3 Toy Story Part 4 Toy Story of Terror
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