Leatherface (2017): Set in 1957, the film begins with a group of disturbed teenagers at the Gorman House Youth Reformery, including Jedidiah Sawyer (Jackson Pace), a quiet, hulking young man who is often picked on by the other inmates. On Jed's 18th birthday, his family, led by his sadistic matriarch Verna Sawyer (Lili Taylor), arrives to take him home. Before leaving, Verna forces Jed to kill a random passerby as part of a twisted initiation ritual. Years later, Jed, now known as Jackson, is still haunted by the trauma of his childhood. He is tormented by memories of his family's violence and struggles to fit in at society. When Jackson is accidentally released from the mental institution, he reunites with his adoptive sister Heather (Jenny Han), who tries to help him adjust to life on the outside.
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