Exhuma, also known as Pamyo in its native Korean, is a 2024 Korean occult horror-thriller film directed by Kim Yong-hwa and starring Go Yoon-jung, Park Sung-woong, and Yoo Dong-geun. The film follows the story of Hwa-rim, a shaman who is tasked with exhuming the body of a wealthy patriarch as part of a ritual to appease his restless spirit. However, as Hwa-rim delves deeper into the family's dark history, she uncovers a terrifying secret that threatens to consume her. The film opens with Hwa-rim being approached by the wealthy Min family, who are desperate to appease the spirit of their late patriarch, Mr. Min. Mr. Min was a ruthless businessman who died under mysterious circumstances, and his family believes that his spirit is now haunting them.
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